Abdellah Akerdoud turns out to be a very interesting person and we get to chat. I take him to have some mint tea which has its own ritual of pouring out and throwing in until it ends up in a sweet syrup. I find out that he studied English at the University of Agadir. This university is the only one in the south, south of the Atlas Mountains that is. His shop sells a range of Berber products as well as saffron and Argon oil. Incidentally he employs four people to produce the Argon oil.
The next morning I'm greeted by rain and stay in bed contemplating to stay or leave. Just before eight I leave the hotel. It's still drizzling but I decide to make a run for it. I have only 34km today and it should not take me long. The road to Aoulouz is good and I have a minor pass to climb today which is 1030m high. The landscape and the valleys are dotted with Argon trees which grow wild.
Not long to go and Aoulous appears. Its a bustling little town and is situated on the N10. This road continues to the turn off to Marrakesh via the Tizi-n-Test.
Hey Euge
A little bit of rain never did deter you. What is Argan oil.....something similar to your olive oils, sesame oils etc?
Well, seems you'll soon be back in Marrakesh where your friend eagerly awaits you.
Ride safe!!
Love Arlette & Patrick
Hi Eugene
Wishing you all the best further.
Looking forward to hearing all about your interseting adventure once you're back.
Do take care and keep well.
Hi Eugene, I'm writing to you because of a strange and pleasant coincidence...at the 08th of August I was in Morocco and I met Abdellah Akerdoud in his spice shop; he offered to us a mint tea and I had the same impression about him: he's a very interesting person. He showed to us a relationship regarding his studies and I asked a copy to read it with more attention. Now,unfortunately we were not alone and our driver was waiting for us, so I forgot to ask to Abdellah his e mail address...do you think is possible for you to put us in contact? I'd like to express my compliments and to thank him, because that meeting has been one of the things that made Morocco get in my heart forever.
Thank you in advance for your help and compliments for your blog and your photos.
it's such a long time since i have looked at my blog. so please forgive me if i only respond to you at this point. I have an email address i just have to search for it. i will forward it to you, however i do not have your email address. thanks for the comment
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