I left Marrakech and headed for the hamlet, Taddert. The ride out of the city was pleasant and cool in the morning. I left just after 6h30 to give the heavy traffic a big miss. This was a wise decision because, as the day progressed, it became very hot and after about two hours into my journey the gentle incline started. Great I thought ,not so bad after all. This continued for about an hour before the next level made its vicious appearance. Imagine what that felt like! I kept hearing Sandy's voice ringing in my ears, " I don't think he is fit enough". I ploughed on with my journey fighting all the way. I must admit the views are very stark but beautiful. I arrived in Taddert just after two in the afternoon and stopped at a little inn where the guys were braaing outside. The owner, Chez Ahmed, attended to me and explained in broken English which was fine. I decided to go for the cutlet, small salad, bread and mint tea which was very refreshing. The other guests were mainly French. I ate with my fingers with gusto just to be uncivilised with my audience looking on in silence. I enjoyed that. My feelings towards the French have not changed. After a good meal I asked Ahmed if he new of a place where I could sleep for the night. He suggested the youth centre which doubles as a hostel. The money that is collected goes towards the upkeep. After my doss, I took a walk around. The hamlet is linear strung along the N9, the gateway to the Atlas mountains. I met Ahmed again in the street and he kindly invited me for supper. I felt really honoured. The meal consisted of two kinds of soup, a lamb tangine which was really kwaai, mint tea and bread. There were four others sitting around the table. We chatted for a short while afterwards. When Ahmed took leave to pray, I returned to my room to sleep. What a good sleep it was!
Dear Eugene
Already your trip sounds so interesting- heat seems harsh though. Was this what you expecting? Hills and heat -what a combination!Then there is the smells-urine and mint. Let the warm and welcoming spirit of the people you meet and who open their homes to you, carry you along the way
Glad to see that you are finally "on the road" again. Hope that you are taking pics of what you are encountering. Trust that you are collecting recipes of the food. When you get back, we don't only want to see the sights and sounds of your trip, but TASTE the food!!!
What's up with the French mon ami? :-)
Loved knowing that you were alive and well in Morocco. Loved the passion you have for the French and the challenges you experienced. I am in awe of the amazing lifestyle you live and the wonderful Blog site you have. How many kilometres do you attempt on average? I am still interested in tackling this lifestyle, however, I am a slow starter. Bruce
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